Our Vision: 

To partner with parents to raise life-long disciples of Jesus.

We believe that young people are not meant solely for the future, they are God’s people for today. The Lord replied, Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you.” Jeremiah 1:7

Do you want your young person to make better choices and become a Christ-follower at a young age?

HISplace Student Ministry is a life-changing ministry for young people from sixth grade through early adulthood in the Spring, Klein, and Tomball communities. Students in 6th through 12th grade meet together in small groups during our small groups semester. Each semester students can register for a student small group that they and their parents choose. There are separate small groups for middle school and high school students. Teachings are customized to the appropriate age group.

Our primary goal is to teach students how to make good choices in life, help them become disciples of Jesus, and impact others for Him. 

Students are a vital and valuable part of our Dream Teams too. They serve in various capacities on Sunday and are leaders in training. Teenagers are encouraged to go through Growth Track and learn how God’s design connects to making a difference.


Finally, part of our vision is to see each student participate on a missions trip prior to high school graduation! Our leaders will help point them on trips that will impact the students and the world.

We know how to have fun together!

We're raising up the next generation of world changers to love God and His house!